Why Use an Automated Pill Dispenser to Help with Dementia?
As the UK's leading medication management company, we're often asked "why use an automated pill dispenser?", so we thought it would be useful to share our knowledge on how they can really help you care for your loved one.
An automated pill dispenser is a pill box which can be pre-filled and then set up to dispense medication at regular times each day,

On average, adults only manage to take 50% of the pills they are prescribed at the correct time. This is called medication adherence and it's something TabTime is passionate about improving. We want to make it easier for everyone to take their medication correctly.
So if adults only remember to take pills correctly every other day, how do more vulnerable people with a condition like dementia manage? Sadly the figures for those with dementia are markedly worse with some studies putting medication adherence as low as 11%.
People with dementia often have to take a complex range of medication to treat their dementia, underlying health conditions and behavioural issues. This combined with memory loss means that those with dementia are particularly in need of additional support to assist with their medication. For those caring for people with dementia an automatic pill dispenser can be particularly helpful as it helps with one of the most important tasks.
The benefits of an automated pill dispenser are varied but be summarised as:
1. Improved adherence: A good automated pill dispenser will provide both an audio and visual alarm. Both should continue for an extended time (ours continue for 30 minutes) providing an increased chance of the user hearing or seeing the alarm if they are out of room. Improved medication adherence maximises the benefits of medication, reducing risks to your loved one.

2. Safety: It's essential that an automated pill dispenser is lockable to deter access to pills. Alongside this you need to consider the type of lid. Most people find that a solid lid causes less confusion that a clear lid. However we've had some feedback that a clear lid can help users who are comforted by being able to see the medication. If you find you need to purchase a different lid then we always keep plenty of both in stock so just get in touch.
3. Flexibility: Medication regimes change over time so it's important that the automatic pill dispenser that you purchase can adapt. Our automatic pill dispenser can be set up so that the user takes between one and six doses per day.
4. Peace of mind: We understand that caring for a loved one with dementia is very demanding and that you have many things on your mind. By having an automated pill dispenser it can reduce anxiety around your loved one's medication, giving you peace of mind that this important task is covered.
We're pleased to have assisted thousands of people in need and have received some wonderful feedback on how an automated pill dispenser really can be life-changing. Here are two of our favourite testimonials which illustrate the different ways this type of product can help:

To purchase a TabTime Automated Pill Dispenser just click here